Monday, August 20, 2007

न्यू Week (New Week)

आ गूढ़ स्टार्ट तो थे वीक,

Who knew I could write hindi? (I wonder what I said?).

A new week, last week ended in a downer, a decline from a major charity that addresses breast cancer. That one strikes close to home in my family, so that hurt.

Like any new business though, there are lows and then highs. The high? An e-mail from Cystic Fibrosis Foundation looking to discuss ideas for a push next month!

Again strikes home, back in 68 maybe 69 my parents took me to see Sammy Davis Junior in "Golden Boy" as a fund raiser for CF. Sammy was a very short man who was very very tall once he stood on his talent. Sang and danced for 2 hours then came back on stage, bummed a cigarrete from an audience member and then sang took requests for another hour.

Still one of the best nights I ever spent in the theatre.

So, first serious look at what is required for a small company such as we are, has to do to work with a major fundraisng organization.

Very excited to learn and I will let you know what happens next.

Well, nobody is returning our cals, why is it so hard to give away money?

Oh yeah, where is spell check when you need it?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Cause Related Marketing (or) how I learned a new thing!

I have worked in Satellite TV and marketing/sales for more years than I will ever confess. Now, a new thing and hence, a new blog.

How to encourage charities/worthy causes/501c's etc. to join with us to install DishNetwork in their donor bases' houses and earn money for the charity!

Seems like a good idea on paper, and so I am now trying to change 14 years worth of corporate "way we do things" to make this a kinder gentler (and more generous) corporation.

So, I get to give away OPM (other peoples money)and boy is it hard!

First we learned that this is called Cause Related Marketing and apparantly we had not been the first to think of the idea! (I was crushed).

I mean, there was a name and people who know how to do these things and everything. So, not on the cutting edge at all, no, in fact learning as fast as I can.

So, the blog!

Who else is doing this? anyone else care to try it? success stories?failures?

Either way, I am going to note the highs (Good chance to work with Cystic Fibrosis Foundation-very cool), and the inevitable "I doubt we would be interested in such a thing" (cool, but not in that good way-you know?)

So I start here today, open to all, in the bus? say hi, just passing thru? say hi (OK, hi might be too short elaborate on hi)

Talk to you soon. Oh, the name is Stephen, hi!

where the heck is the spell check? sigh